St. Lucie County Public Schools – Fort Pierce Central High School

*Experience of Beth McKeown

Fort Pierce Central High School was designed to replace the existing school that had been an integral part of the Fort Pierce community for many years. The exterior of the school used a Mediterranean color palette that is prevalent throughout South Florida which tied into the existing surroundings.

The 21st century school accommodates 2,500 students in small learning communities that breaks down the large school into academic communities of 150-300 students each. Each community has an administrative suite and media technology center. The interior design of each community gives an individual identity to the communities, but still cohesively fits into the school’s design. The interior spaces also were designed to accommodate the school’s career education programs that include allied health, automotive technology, early childhood education, culinary arts and CAD drafting.

Architect:               SchenkelShultz

Photographer:      © Island Studio Photography

Location:                Fort Pierce, Florida

Project Role / Responsibilities: Interior designer