St. Lucie Havert L. Fenn Center

*Experience of Beth McKeown

The Havert L. Fenn Center serves multiple functions for the St. Lucie community. It was designed as a community recreation center that is flexible to serve as a special needs facility during Florida’s hurricane season. The center is equipped to serve as a shelter for evacuations that can accommodate 500 evacuees along with staff members, law enforcement and EMS Triage capabilities.

The interior of the building was designed to be a comfortable space for residents, users and the community to enjoy. It is equipped with a triple gymnasium for sports competitions, offices and multi-purpose rooms. It was important to design the interior spaces with flexible furniture and operable walls to ensure an easy transition between facility uses.

Architect:               SchenkelShultz

Photographer:      Raymond Martinot / courtesy of SchenkelShultz

Location:                St. Lucie, Florida

Project Role / Responsibilities: Interior designer