Energy Conservation

Econeering provides several services in regards to site usage including landscape design and organic lawn care concepts. Energy usage is a concern on all levels of living and working today. By addressing electrical and HVAC needs directly we are able to minimize excess waste and maximize efficiency.

Do you find that your space is uncomfortable even though your air-conditioning equipment has been running non-stop? Econeering takes the guesswork out of design. Instead of using “rules of thumb”, we use equipment to test and evaluate your existing system and provide calculations to address your concerns. Tightness testing is an additional service that we provide – Why let out what you pay to put in? Tightness testing pressurizes your home or business and lets you see where the leaks are so that they can be repaired.

Econeering finds the most efficient electrical systems for you and the way you live. Whether the system is a variable speed motor for an air-conditioning unit or an automatic lighting system, these systems save more by matching the demand to the need.